109 Results / Page 12 of 13


Justin Blog

It’s Wednesday! What’s in Justin’s Pocket?

So, instead of trivia, for the second week in a row, our listeners are texting in guesses for "what's in Justin's Pocket!"   He started with "it's shiny" as the first clue.  His second clue was, "very cheap but extremely valuable!" We hope you enjoy Wednesdays trivia and other "games" on WION during the J and J Midday Show. We'll post the answer later right here!!! Some GREAT guesses via our […]

today03/29/2023 43 4


Found for Filing…WION HIstory

Where to file things? (alphabetically.) In a radio station, do you file the new FM antenna paperwork under "A" for Antenna,  "F" For FM, or "B" for Bext (the company from which we ordered antennas.) Do you file paperwork under the "item", the "type" of item, or the manufacturer? And, shall we file the following under "H" for History?  "W" for WION, or "S" for Sales materials? If you're a […]

today03/28/2023 36 2

Jim Rant

Creamy or Crunchy? Either! But Not While In-Flight

So, Raise your hands!  How many of you love peanut butter?  I try to keep 3 or 4 jars on hand.....because it's one of the food groups....Cheese, Peanut Butter, Bread, and Ranch dressing.  Well, you can love it, but...you can no longer take a full jar on an airplane.  Yes, that's right....PEANUT BUTTER is now a no-no unless you take only 3.4 ounces or less.  Some sources on the web […]

today03/27/2023 37 1


It’s EXPO day in Lowell! 9AM to 2PM

It's rain and some "ice" here and there outside, so why not come to an event today that reminds you we're actually in SPRING today!   Stop by and say hello today at Lowell Area Schools!  We're set up and ready for this yearly "rite of Spring" from 9AM to 2PM.  There's plenty of area exhibitors, and lots of fun to be had!  Phil Cloud and im Carlyle are on-hand and […]

today03/25/2023 18 2


Did you know?

Yeah, you normally hear “Did You Know” on the air on WION, but with this new website I felt it was also appropriate to do it here as well. So for today here are two tips for our new website, that you may not have known! First Tip:  Our Online Pop Player Last year WION launched a new online player, and we got a lot of comments from our listeners […]

today03/24/2023 51 1


The Weekend…and should we Patreon for voluntary support?

A fun "Mostly Request Thursday" today with Jim and Justin. Tomorrow in the air-chair from 9 to noon it's Barry Scott's Lost 45's.  He's got a great show lined up...as Co-Host Stephen Bishop chats about his hits including “On and On” and movie songs he was involved with from “Animal House” to “Tootsie”—plus people he worked with including Eric Clapton, Donna Summer, Phil Collins and Barbra Streisand. You can also […]

today03/23/2023 33 1


Insert Buzzer Here…

This is Wednesday, the day we do "trivia" on the J and J Midday show.  We're reycling last week's question, changing only the TENSE. As in, "What WAS in Justin's pocket? (ast week it read what IS in Justin's pocket)  Lots of great guesses have come in through 616-527-WION which you can use for voice calls OR texting!  It's just after 11AM when I post this, and no answer going […]

today03/22/2023 27 2 2


It’s a Text Topic Tuesday!

  Welcome to WION's "Text Topic Tuesday"..... While we don't promise to stay on just "one" topic, Justin and I were talking ahead of the show about TV Situation Comedies, ("sitcoms.) So what is your favorite Sitcom....or ....what do you believe to be the BEST Sitcom ...EVER? If you're nominating for best EVER, let us know why.  Is it the writing?  Contribution by a particular actor or "actorene" (as Jim […]

today03/21/2023 32 2

Jim at the controls


A look behind the scenes of WION!

Click on the title above for a fun look behind the scenes of WION! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4qgdRQjaoQ Thanks to Shango066, who brings us a very detailed look behind the scenes of America's Biggest Little Radio Station!  We hope you enjoy this look behind the curtain which shows how WION works and gets to you!

today03/18/2023 38 2