Did you know?

today03/24/2023 47 1

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Did You Know?

Yeah, you normally hear “Did You Know” on the air on WION, but with this new website I felt it was also appropriate to do it here as well.

So for today here are two tips for our new website, that you may not have known!

First Tip:  Our Online Pop Player

Last year WION launched a new online player, and we got a lot of comments from our listeners how much they love it.  This player shows you what’s currently playing, plus can show you the last 10 songs we played.  It’s a “pop out” player meaning you can continue enjoying WION while you visit other websites or do work on your computer.

We heard from a number of our listeners after Jim mentioned we were getting a new website saying they hoped we would keep the new player.  Well, your wishes have been granted!

Just click on the PLAYER on the top right of any page here at i1430.com and enjoy WION amazing AM Stereo sound while you work on your computer!   It also works great on mobile phones and tablets!

Our second tip of the day is… “Did you know this website is interactive?”

Yes besides our Contact form, we invite you to give us feedback to our “Show Notes” posts! You can add your comments to any Show Notes post.  To comment to any post just scroll down and you will see the Post Comment section.  Just fill out the info and leave us your comment and it will then be posted to the site! (Note: Your email address will not be shown, nor will WION will never spam you or sell your information!)

So there are two tips for our new website… and to quote Steve “The Voice Guy,” and now you know!

Thanks for listening to American’s Biggest Little Radio Station, WION!

Written by: Scott Greczkowski

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