Month: July 2023

15 Results / Page 1 of 2



Monday’s “Selective Hearing” trivia answer…and info…

  If you were with us on Monday's J and J Midday show, you heard some "odd" noises that were not coming from Isabelle, Jim, or Justin.  We actually had a device in the studio emitting odd noises picked up by the microphone at the round table. It was a 1950's "Zenith" remote control for an early TV.  The four tuning forks inside it triggered motors that ran the volume […]

today07/31/2023 58 12

Jim Blog

Corporate America vs. Local Ownership in our area…

Interesting how buyouts of one small company by another in the name of growth, expansion, or better service often end much differently than expected.  I remember the first time I worked with a company that got bought out, and it was partially my fault, perhaps, but without my decision we may not be talking today.  I worked in a family-owned "rent to own" and retail store, selling and renting TVs, […]

today07/30/2023 97 6


Guests in the studio, Trivia, and weather….(Updated)

The post below was written  around 9, the storms are showing two separate cells aiming at Michigan, with Ionia "possibly" in between the two.....but then farther back is one cell pretty much right on line with our area if it doesn't change it's track.  I'll call it the "split then the hit"...and, as I said on the radio, I'm not a meteorologist, nor do I claim to know how […]

today07/26/2023 64 9


Links we think you should check out!

On this "text topic Tuesday..."  a couple things of note. Need some calming in your day?  Our internet manager, Scott, from Satelliteguys has not one but TWO calming 'cams up and running to show-off their young puppies!  Visit this link and enjoy a bit of calm and cute in your day. And, your local station was one of the topics in a podcast for radio engineers and radio geeks who […]

today07/25/2023 46 7

Jim Blog

WION Thanks Team Members….and Listeners…

It's no secret to our listeners that the last week or so has been "technologically challenging" at our studios and at Lowell's "Broadcast Hill." It has tried my patience more than you can know, even though I've shared some of the frustrations with you during the J and J Midday Show. First it was Spectrum's poorly-deployed/poorly designed system that needs a SECOND box attached to our cable modem to provide […]

today07/24/2023 53 8


THIS attitude is why nobody’s wanting to work!

This made the national news scene ove the weekend. God FORBID you should (be asked to) show up to work on time. We can't ask that of any employee thse days. No, "fashionably late" is just fine... (insert buzzer here.) This is a NON WORK ethic, and I hope this young lady has just ruined her whole working career.  Love the (nearly, fake) tears like she's being abused telling us […]

today07/24/2023 51 6


Results of Searching “WION Radio” On the Web…

It's Sunday afternoon. I'm dogsitting for Isabelle's sister, Jasmine. Last week was an AWFUL week for any technology so I'm avoiding it religiously today, except for typing on my personal laptop, the one WITHOUT any WION emails or work-related tasks. It's a rest-the-brain and no-radio kind of day. So, just for fun, I "Googled" WION Radio. got some neat results. Some I knew were out there, some not.  This is […]

today07/23/2023 158 7


A polite request so we can “see” your town online…

Our carrier for streaming, "Live 365" recently changed how we see what are called the "analytics" of our (online)  listenrship.  Justin and I always LOVED reading off the towns, followed by the state or, sometimes the COUNTRY in which people listen.  It lets us be more "personal" with you, our friends and listeners.   With a recent update on their user platform, we can no longer see this info. Now we […]

today07/20/2023 177 9 2