“Izzy”- The Newest member of our WION Family…


The J and J Midday Show with Jim and Justin

Jim and Justin are the "J and J Midday Show" on WION. (Left to right above it's Justin then Jim)  Jim was at the helm of WION's weekday morning show for 15 years, then decided middays suited him better!  So, weekday mornings still has music and information, just no Jim. Justin joined WION in early 2021, training on the midday show, and just "stayed!"  The quick banter btween the two, […]

“Izzy” is, as I write this, a 12 week old puppy.  Her face and features resemble some Jack Russell Terrier, perhaps some Beagle, we’ll know soon when DNA from the litter comes to us.

I miss my Isabelle so very much, (see her WION team member page here)  and my apartment was way too quiet at night and in the morning after she died.  I think I will always have moments in the rest of my days that I remember her, as she made such a loving impression on me and all my friends in the short 3 years we had her before cancer took her away from us…..

Enter “Izzy.”  Named to honor her late sister Isabelle…..this puppy came to me through a wonderful organization in West Michigan called, “Michelle’s Rescue” and they are absolutely the BEST!  Once I began getting over the guilt of wanting another canine companion, I looked online, saw one very cute black puppy called “Beep Beep”…and visited Beep’s foster home.  Beep was charming, fun, and cute….and I was almost sure Beep was “the one.” THEN…a picture spoke both to me, and to my buddy Todd.  The picture of this new puppy was  from the same adoption organization…and, because Todd was the one who brought Isabelle to me, I wanted him to be part of my finding a new companion.  He agreed….the second picture, of a puppy whose “adoptive” name was “Kiss me” just spoke to both of us.  So, in the rain, snow, and ice of March 22nd, I went to a Michelle’s Rescue  adoption event.  Beep was there, and I held her….but then “Kiss Me” came in, and she sat in my lap, crawled up my chest to my shoulder, and just “connected” with me.  So, on Saturday March 23rd, she was officially adopted, and is now part of my home….and my radio family at WION in Ionia. We’ve officially given her the name “Izzy” and, we’re training each other!

So, now and then, you may hear a whimper (she sounds like a bird sometimes…like she’s chirping)…or a puppy bark, or my sudden absence from the microphone if she needs attention weekdays from 9 to noon, but know that she’s now part of the family…and, I’m learning how to train a young puppy.  Probably the toughest job I’ve ever had, but…Izzy will help and we’ll learn to work with each other.  She met a large friend recently, “Beethoven” and they got along fine….and she has yet to meet her adoptive sister, “Jasmine” who was sister to Isabelle. 

The love is there.  The potential is there.  The “keeping Jim company” is there. 
I’ll always have my “soul dog” and that will forever be Isabelle, but…
I love my new puppy and she seems to love me, and the whole crew.

If you want to adopt a dog or cat, please give Michelle’s rescue a chance. They are professional, friendly, not pushy, happy to help you in selecting the perfect new family member, and I can’t say enough about their organization.  They brought Izzy to me….and…..I hope we have a long, LONG time together.

-Jim Carlyle

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