Jim Rant

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Jim Blog

Kindness on a Back Road

A wonderful combination of (my definition) "Americana" and Kindness captured yesterday near St. Louis, MI on my way to pick up a transmitter from our engineer. I had to turn around and take the video and picture. These people had to bother PUTTING the old car on their lawn, stocking the "free" produce in the trunk, and make it inviting. Kindness on a back road. Nothing more.  Just that. Simple […]

today08/12/2023 90 9

Jim Blog

Corporate America vs. Local Ownership in our area…

Interesting how buyouts of one small company by another in the name of growth, expansion, or better service often end much differently than expected.  I remember the first time I worked with a company that got bought out, and it was partially my fault, perhaps, but without my decision we may not be talking today.  I worked in a family-owned "rent to own" and retail store, selling and renting TVs, […]

today07/30/2023 94 6

Jim Rant

Creamy or Crunchy? Either! But Not While In-Flight

So, Raise your hands!  How many of you love peanut butter?  I try to keep 3 or 4 jars on hand.....because it's one of the food groups....Cheese, Peanut Butter, Bread, and Ranch dressing.  Well, you can love it, but...you can no longer take a full jar on an airplane.  Yes, that's right....PEANUT BUTTER is now a no-no unless you take only 3.4 ounces or less.  Some sources on the web […]

today03/27/2023 37 1