"Knows Jim Carlyle and despite that, does not need counseling!"

Tommy Kay


Totally 80’s Flashback with Tommy Kay

Sunday mornings from 8 to 11 AM join in the fun of "Totally 80's Flashback!" Tommy Kay is your host, and you'll love what he digs up from the 1980's....some things you remember, some you've forgotten til....well...NOW. Drop Tommy a note or call in a request to him at 844-80-TOMMY.

Tommy is a 1988 graduate of Okemos High School, really not so far from our WION area!  He’s known Jim carlyle over 30 years, but only worked together briefly in the U.P. of Michigan,  but they’ve kept in touch and maintain a “radio-based friendship” that has lasted all that time.

Tommy Kay hosts the show, “Totally 80’s” on WION Sunday mornings from 8 to 11.  The show originates from Tommy’s own studios, and we’re the first station to take it outside of his area!  Call in requests to him….. at 844-80-TOMMY  and your voice and/or request may be “on” some Sunday morning.  If you don’t like “remembering” numbers, it’s posted up above with the link to his Facebook page.

Tommy’s show was reviewed in it’s first week on our station as,

“I do like what he’s playing, and he’s easy on the ears. Doing a great job.”
“Shows sounding good. Nice mix so far”

If you like the 80’s you’ll want to tune-in on ANY of our signals or online on any device, anywhere!
It’s obvious Tommy enjoys the music he plays and loves bringing this show to you!

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