Help Our Troops!

today09/28/2023 83 5

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Hi there folks, its WION’s Internet Manager Scott here!

You may have heard Jim talking about Treasure For Troops on the air, which normally takes place in November.  This year because it will be the stations tenth year “Treasures For Troops” WION is shifting into gear a little early to make this the best one for the Blue Star Mothers ever and our troops.

As many of you know I live in Connecticut, but I love Ionia and have WION playing most of the day at my office.  Sometimes I know more that going on in Ionia than I know thats going on in my own town. With that said it’s not unusual for me to be one of the first people to donate to the Treasure For Troops program each year.

A few years ago Jim mentioned on the air that he got my donation of goods in the mail, to which someone contacted me and asked why someone who lives in Connecticut is donating to something in Michagan.  The answer was quite simple… these donations go to support our AMERICAN TROOPS.  It has nothing to do where the boxes are being sent, they are going to our American sons and daughters who are other there serving our country.  Its the least I could do.   And I must admit I wish I could do more.

In speaking with Jim this morning I was shocked to hear that each box to mail to our troops costs close to $30 each!  I know the Blue Star Mothers could use help paying for the postage.  This is a huge undertaking for them.

If you want to help pay for shipping the boxes, do not mail checks or money to WION, instead please send your donations directly to the Blue Star Mothers.  Their address is below:

PO BOX 366

So I hope no matter where  you are, that you will join with me to support our American troops and help the Blue Star Mothers in this project.   I think this holiday season its important that our Troops know we care for them and thank them for all the sacrafices they make for us.

For a downloadable list of things Our Troops need please CLICK HERE.

Thank you for supporting our troops!

Written by: Scott Greczkowski

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