You’ve heard of “Smart devices”…How about a “Smart Backyard”

today08/26/2024 21 17 5

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WION welcomed members of the West Michigan and Lansing S.B.E. chapters (Society of broadcast Engineers) for their annual picnic on our lawn this evening.

So, for awhile, WION had the SMARTEST backyard anywhere in the United States or maybe even the world. Engineers chatting with we, the “normal” people…lol…and exchanging stories. Believe me, Radio engineers have GREAT stories to tell.

Popeye John was our Chef for the night, on a borrowed grill, and other WION friends came by including Paul Gardner, Todd Reurink, Brandon Woodhams, and the whole gathering was relaxing, with perfect weather for a picnic.

Izzy, my puppy, behaved better than expected, and was happy on her “run” which runs from a satellite dish pole to a well established backyard tree.

The entertainment came when she got given her first-known hamburger, and she had no idea she was supposed to EAT it…she treated it like a toy with meat flavor..and licked it…and licked it.and LICKED it……til her uncle Johnathan A PJickett helped her realize it was to EAT.

Wonderful having the engineers here, many have become good friends of WION, and some saw our studios for the first time. It’s nice sharing our WION studios and site with people as we approach our TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF SAVING THE STATION on September 1st, 2024! Who would have thought 20 years later I’d still be here, and we’d be so well established.

Written by: Jim Carlyle

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