An interesting Wednesday……on the air and IN the air…

today08/30/2023 52 3

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On Wednesdays, we call them, “WOW” where the J and J midday show celebrates “Winners on Wednesday.”…..Today our contest is, “what’s in Justin’s Pocket!”

I can be any color of the rainbow….
This one is purple
Though man-made, I am most often seen in nature.
Sporting equipment

Later in the (night/evening)  you can take in something cool in the sky!  According to “Space dot com”….(text copied for your convenience…credit to Space.com)

On Wednesday (Aug. 30), one of the biggest and brightest moons of the year will rise. This full moon is referred to as a Blue Moon, a term that can represent one of two things: Either the third full moon in a season that has four full moons; or, more commonly, the second of two full moons that fall in a calendar month. And just like the previous full moon on Aug. 1, this Blue Moon will also be a “supermoon,” a popular term for a full moon that occurs when our natural satellite is closer to Earth, making it appear just slightly larger in the sky.

After sunset on Wednesday, this Super Blue Moon will rise in the east, as seen from New York City. But if conditions happen to be poor for moonwatching in your area, you’re in luck: The Virtual Telescope Project hosted by astronomer Gianluca Masi of Rome, Italy will host a free livestream of the event starting at 11:30 p.m. on Aug. 30 (0330 GMT on Aug. 31). Watch it here via Space.com, courtesy of the project, or on the project’s YouTube channel.

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Written by: Jim Carlyle

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