A polite request so we can “see” your town online…

today07/20/2023 176 9 5

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Our carrier for streaming, “Live 365” recently changed how we see what are called the “analytics” of our (online)  listenrship.  Justin and I always LOVED reading off the towns, followed by the state or, sometimes the COUNTRY in which people listen.  It lets us be more “personal” with you, our friends and listeners.   With a recent update on their user platform, we can no longer see this info.

Now we have to go to a map, manually zoom with a plus/minus (not the scroll of a mouse) then we only get close to what we had as information, and when watching four screens, handling texts, phone calls, and our main studio computer, this is not as easy.  The LIST was really easy, and fun for us.  

Would you help US at the J and J Midday show by telling our carrier (Live 365) that you enjoyed hearing your town’s name mentioned on the air, please?  Write them at “help@live365.com” and be POLITE, but tell them that you liked hearing Jim and Justin talk about your town, and discover new ones, too as they came online.  Use your own words, tell them why WION talking aout your location is important.

We’re not suggesting they take away the new update from their software people, but just ADD BACK the list of listening locations so we can use it again as part of our show!

Remember, be POLITE and don’t bully them.  But please, help us get the list back from Live 365.  We appreciate them as our carrier. They are the REASON we can still stream as they handle reporting for us for the music industry, and their  rates are reasonable. They’re EXCELLENT to work with and we appreciate them, so your polite approach is important.

Thanks, from Jim and Justin…..
The “J and J Midday Show”


Written by: Jim Carlyle

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