WION AM STEREO 1430 Yes thats REAL AM Stereo!
When we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeWhen we're not bringing you Jim and Justin or Edwards' Archives, or our Noon Newsblock, or "Totally 80's Flashback" or...Turntable Trainwrecks, or Popeye John's Monday Night Classic Rock"....or Barry Scott's Lost 45's....we're still working hard to bring you a great station with music and information EVERY hour!
closeJoin WION for these upcoming exciting community events!
Over the weekend, a package arrived for WION's Jim and Justin. It took awhile to open, having been packaged so very well....Inside was a large homemade card, a heartwarming letter, and more. It really made our day. The following letter was in the card. Scroll farther to see the front of the custom card, and it's message inside!
today09/30/2024 127 114
It has come to our attention that the Michigan News Network is once again accepting (if not soliciting) advertisements either directly FROM political candidates for federal positions, OR their "PACs." The Michigan News Network is delivered via the internet, not satellite, so we are not able to edit out political ads, even though they come at the end of the 'cast when they are scheduled. I have notified the MNN that if I know of these ads, we will not […]
today09/19/2024 60 5
Apparently not all of the segments for the countdown this week made it to "air" on WION. While there is no reschedule of this three-hour program feature, you CAN catch his segments missed on his website this week. Barry always releases the show on his site AFTER they've played on local affiliates. Visit his website here. Sometimes technology lets us down. Programs you hear on WION such as our Townhall News, The Totally 80's flashback and others are automatically "grabbed" […]
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